
Showing posts from January, 2023

Why should you learn Chinese?

  The change of world order is a very interesting topic that explains the great powers' rise, rise, and fall. This is defined by several financial, educational, technological, military, and governance indicators. Taken together, these parts create a safe space for the country to maintain prosperity, security and growth at home and abroad. In the country, this language is considered the most difficult to learn. However, this is only partially true. Although you have to deal with a completely new writing system, Chinese as a language is simple. Even so, China is becoming a rising power due to its increased education, technology, political, economic, and military power within the country. There is not great opposition but rather a lot of growth and prosperity. Children have to see Chinese as a fun activity, not as a subject they fear and reject. They must understand that it is essential and that they will learn it little by little. With the revolutionary Enjoy Chinese method taught in...

Studying Chinese: opportunities for career development

  The Chinese economy is constantly growing. Even in these moments of a global pandemic. Once China's high contagion phase was over, its economy was one of the fastest recoveries. Chinese is also the language spoken by more than 1 billion people. Thanks to  Chinese Tutor ,  children learn Chinese through sensory and auditory stimulation. Chinese: Characteristics Many moms and dads want their little ones to have a complete education for the future, and more than one language is needed. Bilingualism is giving way to multilingualism. English is already taken for granted, and children are seeking to learn another language that complements it; Chinese is one of the most chosen options due to its projection and importance worldwide. Learning a language as an adult is much more complicated than understanding it as a child, especially in a language like Chinese. Therefore, the sooner you start the learning process, the better for language assimilation. Let us remember that the id...

Why learning Chinese is good for your future.

Learning Chinese is often considered one of the most profitable investments with endless practical applications. Chinese is gradually establishing itself as a language of primary importance in the most varied fields: business, commerce, productive activities, art, tourism, etc. It is a language that many are trying to learn today: from students to professionals, from traders to workers in general, all attracted by the idea of ​​securing new opportunities for the future. Knowing Chinese means having an advantage that can also give a new twist to professional opportunities.  Most spoken language in the world Chinese is the first language in the world the number of native speakers, which number around 1.2 billion people - of which one billion are composed only of people who speak Putonghua (Mandarin). It is a staggering number that says so much about the interconnections and job opportunities that can be seized by learning the basics of this language. Communicating with people in thei...